I feel working on so many projects can really zap me of all creativity so I think it's important to pause and play to progress. And so my form of "play" was going along to a workshop by artist and illustrator Catherine Grimaldi run by the University of Brighton's Media Enterprise Centre.
It was great to hear about Catherine's journey and something that I've taken away is to be experimental. Sometimes I forget to be experimental. Catherine had spent many years trying different art forms and they've all influenced her work in one way or another. So experimenting I will do!
In the workshop we were given blank postcards where we had to put down 5 things we wanted to achieve in the next year and Catherine promised to pop the postcards in the post and sure enough, mine arrived today. Stamped 28.04.10, I will stick this on my fridge and look forward to see where I am come 28.04.11!