Saturday, 28 February 2009

My pride and joy

I've finally got round to framing my most favourite piece yet; my Rob Ryan print I bought from one of the If You Could series last year. It's 34/164 and so precious I can't tell you. Have a read of the words which have kind of become my mantra.


Friday, 13 February 2009

Bit of this, bit of that


Lots of stuff going on at the moment so here's a snapshot of all the things I've been working on this week alone. Watch this space!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Still cuckoo

This week's response to IF. Some cuckoo decoration. :-)

Friday, 6 February 2009


I'm in love. In my research for some inspiration for this week's IF, I found something so gorgeous I could cry. I want this so bad, but on a student budget, I can only dream as this beautiful piece of design is $600. My list of treats for when I land my first graphic design job is growing at quite an alarming rate. So far I have:

  • the electra bike that I showed you the other month
  • orangita cuckoo clock (as above)
  • lizzie allen wallpaper
  • 1970s rosewood desk
  • oak plans chest
  • orla kiely bedding - oh, and her furniture is divine too
  • Smythson Diary
  • magno radio
  • aquascutum mac!!
God, that list makes me salivate. I graduate next summer so once I've bagged my dream job, I'll have to post pics of the above treats in situ as I gradually(!) acquire them. Watch this space.


Monday, 2 February 2009

Birdcage Obsession

I always have a little sketchbook handy and it's nice to look back and see where my brain's at. At the moment, I'm obsessed with birdcages. Perhaps it's symbolic? All this being cooped up in the cold. Bbbrrrr!