A year or so ago, I jotted down a quote by the Director of Media at the Tate which captured me as it was very true of me and how I view things. Said Will Gompertz, "Do something that is new and challenging. It helps you see things differently and makes the World seem a more interesting place". My latest new challenge which I've been wanting to do for some time now is life drawing. I love the natural form. Not in the nudist sense but I appreciate the shapes and tones found in the naked body, and in particular have always wanted to draw the female form as I love the curves we women so frequently moan about and perhaps don't appreciate.
2 weeks in, and I'm loving it. I'm already seeing an improvement in how I view perspectives and proportions. The challenge of 1 minute sketches and using unfamiliar mediums gives me a buzz, and I know what I learn in each class will only make me a greater, more versatile graphic designer. Anyway, enough waffling from me. Here's a little sketch from today's class.
I admire anyone who can draw, so I envy your talent. Good work and great quote!